Blaze of Sorrow - Absentia (Digipak CD)

Blaze of Sorrow - Absentia (Digipak CD)

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Comprising seven songs in a taut 'n' tight 44 minutes, Absentia bursts into being with a brilliance that's blanching to behold. Undeniably emotional as ever, it's immediately apparent, however, that BLAZE OF SORROW are operating on a different wavelength on Absentia. Their windswept, cascading black metal is undoubtedly melancholic at heart - their moniker was well chosen, after all - but the range of textures and sensations across this sixth album encompass a far broader spectrum than most usually associated with "black metal." Laced within the deepest heart of Absentia is an aching nostalgia, a bittersweet wistfulness, and even rays of hope: doomed they may be, but delivered with an indeed-blazing passion that puts BLAZE OF SORROW into a rarefied field. Which is to say nothing of the utterly cathartic lead work here, buttressed by frequent detours into plaintive acoustic territory; shredded and shredding, these leads are immediately memorable and long-lasting, well after the final notes of Absentia have rung out across the soul.


Track listing

  1. Settimo requiem
  2. Furia
  3. Sonno d'eterno
  4. Notturna
  5. Hybris
  6. Cupio dissolvi
  7. Morte di un immortale