20 Years Ago: ULVER release A Quick Fix of Melancholy

Daily Noise - / 2023

20 Years Ago: ULVER release A Quick Fix of Melancholy

...we did another EP, Quick Fix of Melancholy, which was our way of trying to get back into writing songs—or something resembling songs—and also find out where we wanted to take things.

Kristoffer "Garm" Rygg / Ulver interview, Modern Fix, 2005

ULVER released their fourth EP, A Quick Fix of Melancholy, on this day in 2003.

The lyrics for "Vowels" are taken from poet Christian Bök's 2001 book Eunoia.

The book, Eunoia, is in addition to being absolutely beautiful writing a mammoth disciplinary achievment. We appreciate systematic processes like the ones Bök employs in his book. And we relate because he works in ways akin to how we do with the technology of sound and music.

Kristoffer "Garm" Rygg / Ulver interview, Atomic Threat, 2006