Rattenfanger - Geisslerlieder (CD)

Rattenfanger - Geisslerlieder (CD)

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The second album from Ukranian death metal band RATTENFÄNGER, whose lineup is comprised of musicians from bands such as DRUDKH, BLOOD OF KINGU, HATE FOREST and DARK AGES. Seven years after the debut Epistolae Obscurorum Virorum, the new album Geisslerlieder is a masterpiece of old-school death metal. Seven epic tracks of brutal death metal in it's finest form. RATTENFÄNGER's sound is pitch black and bone crushingly brutaland devastating. Inevitably there will be nuances from the members' other projects, and comparisons can also be made with bands such as CELTIC FROST, early DARKTHRONE, ASPHYX, WINTER, BOLT THROWER and NIHILIST amongst others - but RATTENFÄNGER is the epitome of old-school death metal, with their own, very distinctive, sound.


Track listing

  1. De Laude Flagellorum
  2. Materia Prima
  3. Pestarzt
  4. Les bons hommes
  5. Sella Stercoraria
  6. De Blasphemia in Latina Vulgaris
  7. Funis Coronat Opus


Geisslerlieder is an album that certainly goes from less to more. The album's songwriting in particular shows this, as the last three tracks are the best written of the bunch and make for a solid second half. Getting into more dynamic without losing the energy, the heaviness and the dark feel of classic Death Metal suits RATTENFÄNGER's talents. And this is clearly a talented band, particularly the beast they have for a drummer. - 4/5

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